In this City – Part I

The City is indeed a peculiar place to be—


it is a eco-chamber that sources its

raw goods from outside its borders,

and in return, never manage to return any

fruition of equal liveliness or consequence;


it is a mischievous juicer

that spits out yellowy-green puss, putrid waste

from the best apples and oranges

innocently fed into it;


it is its own twisted mega-church,

with its organs always blasting

on high volume—

deafening drones of motorized something’s;

heart-wretching screams of lost Souls,

with all of their needless violence and commotions;


it is a rotting garden of surprises:

festering garbage lodged uncomfortably

into crevices better served for other purposes;


dog shit, or those of humans and the alike,

left behind for invisible, miracle cleaning crews;

broken parts of otherwise wholesome constructs,

carpeting the roads’ medians

and their left and right side walks—


When putting all of its saucy elements in view,

it indeed looks quite like

a bewildering, if not entirely mad arrangement

for Man to gravitate to.