Particular Moments

More Stars than There are

Tag: literature

Highway Woman

recall of seeing a home-less woman on the side of a busy highway whilst driving home from work

Opening of Our Time Capsule – I

A Rain held back for Months;
Its much anticipated Deluge—
Perhaps tucked away in another Time and Space

Finally pours down.

And in the absence
of Obscuring Dust,
like the sparkling sands
Beneath the ebbing tides

Are Concealed Memories
of an Ancient Strength;
A Higher Glory—
All the Substantial and Fine prints

of Our Saintly, Peak Empire.

In this City – Part I

The City is indeed a peculiar place to be—


it is a eco-chamber that sources its

raw goods from outside its borders,

and in return, never manage to return any

fruition of equal liveliness or consequence;


it is a mischievous juicer

that spits out yellowy-green puss, putrid waste

from the best apples and oranges

innocently fed into it;


it is its own twisted mega-church,

with its organs always blasting

on high volume—

deafening drones of motorized something’s;

heart-wretching screams of lost Souls,

with all of their needless violence and commotions;


it is a rotting garden of surprises:

festering garbage lodged uncomfortably

into crevices better served for other purposes;


dog shit, or those of humans and the alike,

left behind for invisible, miracle cleaning crews;

broken parts of otherwise wholesome constructs,

carpeting the roads’ medians

and their left and right side walks—


When putting all of its saucy elements in view,

it indeed looks quite like

a bewildering, if not entirely mad arrangement

for Man to gravitate to.

Forget Not: A Reminder for Us All

Photography: “In The Night Garden” by Jonathan Taylor — Find more of his amazing talent at

Sacred Heart

She Loves Like An Elf

A walk and a song, before dawn

Every so often, you may find that
The humans, in their various manifestations
Of desires, vulnerabilities, shortcomings, and even
Hopefulness and Beauty ---

Are simply far
Too Heavy ---

You immerse in it, daily,
Like wading, knee-high, in an air
Filled by Molasses.

But every so rarely, you may discover
Creature companions of sorts, 
Whose dimensions only spare them
Very plain needs:

To eat, to drink, and if ever so lucky,
To wander and play, 
Mindlessly ---
Free from Love and Grief,
Free, in the absence of time,
Nowhere, and Everywhere.

Sound Check

Another Year and Half on Hiatus,
When will your Songs be Heard?
When you've been put Under?

Break your Eggs, my Friend---
You are every bit as Consequential
As the Stars and the Moon!

It'd be a Sin
To hide your Essence
And mute your Lustre.

Eye of The Storm

But not so

Of Sweet Melodies,

Sang by the Innocence
Of Our Children.

The Sun’ll Shine
Once again,

As their Precious Tune
Draw nearer,
and Nearer —

Let it be,
That This Time,
The Better Angels
Of Our Nature

Will Never Again
Allow the Beauty of Innocence
To fade and wilt into
Grotesque and Unseen

Never again,
Shall We turn a Blind Eye, and
For millennia,

Tolerate the hidden,
Unseen, unheard, but
Grossly Rampant Lacerations
That took place
Night after Night,

Six-feet Under.

The Sun Will Shine
This Time —

This Time…
Broken Hearts
Are Not Forgotten.

getting even with madness

shadows crawling, sins go on repeating
as you scantily prop your back,
fighting cross-generational

years without Transcendence
or pure self destruction,
cut out from the fast and easy

do you find yourself now
so needlessly harsh,
morbidly crass;
so stubbornly brash?

would opening your skull,
and peeking in to
snap these tense cords
bring you final release?

mute screams, muffled
between inner ears
reverberate and

until we are nothing
but knots over knots:

finding ourselves
in a messy string.

But hey now---
hey now, hey now:

If we are so Lucky
as to
Carry On Living...

Grit your teeth!
trace the harder
route to Release---

Follow the timeless Patrons
of Form and Patience,

And all the while,


Plan with fervor;
Desist; Trample if you must---

but Do---
not try but do,

until chaos
becomes Peace.